- DIN A4
- Max. 8 pages
- Max. 80 chars title
- Embedded fonts
- No page numbers
- LaTeX Template
- High resolution figures
- Vector format for graphs and illustrations
- Correct English
- Clear distinction of own work
- Citations and acknowledgments
- Redistribution rights to third-party content
Before diving into the art of writing scientific papers, please make sure that your manuscript fulfills all formal and technical requirements. Submissions violating the guidelines and rules will not be considered for publication.
The title of the paper should be at most 80 characters including whitespaces. Typesetting longer paper titles for different media outputs is very difficult. Please follow the Chicago Style for proper capitalization of the title.
Content and length
The content may not exceed 8 DIN A4 pages formatted in the provided styling template. There is no minimum limit, however the submission must be sound and complete. In special cases, the authors may apply for extra pages, no later than at the full paper submission deadline (before the reviewing starts). The program committee then decides whether the additional volume is necessary.
The seminar language is English. All works submitted are expected to be written in correct and comprehensible English. Please choose either UK or US, but do not mix. Always use an automated spell checker. Non-native English speakers should let the submission be checked by an English teacher, translator, or native speaker. Low quality of English in any submitted material is not acceptable.
Formatting and LaTeX
All papers are compiled to a book called the proceedings. To assure a unified style and easy reading, the authors have to use the provided LaTeX Template. Ignoring the compulsory template will result in rejection of the submission.
In computer science, LaTeX is the standard tool for scientific publishing. If you never worked with LaTeX before, please take time to get familiar with the basics. You should first install the appropriate distribution for your OS. The LyX or TexMaker can help you getting started. Overleaf offers a great online editor with remote compilation.
LaTeX source files are required for the submission. Please compress them to a single zip file. After extraction, the package should compile without any further actions.The compiled pdf should not contain page numbers. All fonts should be embedded. In case the automatic embedding would fail, here are two hints if you use pdfTEX in MiKTeX. Depending on your installation, either
- in C:\localtexmf\pdftex\config copy to or
- follow the steps from
Figures and Tables
All text in the generated PDFs is outlined, i.e. the letters represented by splines appear smooth at any scale. If the graphical content is provided with a lower level of detail, typically as raster images, the difference in smoothness becomes disturbing. The negative effect is even more emphasized on the next generation of high-resolution screens. Many submissions tackle with this issue, because of ignoring resolution-independence of vector drawings. Please keep the basic rules in mind.
- Tables and illustrations have to be produced as vector images. The most popular tools are Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, LibreOffice Draw and others.
- The only raster elements in the paper should be photographs or screenshots. They should be taken in the highest resolution possible. If a raster image contains overlays with labels or drawings, the raster should be embedded in a vector illustration which adds all overlays in a resolution-independent way.
Each Figure, Table, Listing and Algorithm have to be referenced in the text. Captions should be at most 3 lines long for full-width content and at most 4 lines long for single-column content. A short commentary of the depicted content should be presented in the caption, with an optional reference to a detailed explanation in the text.
- 15 min
- 5 min Q&A
- 16:9 format, Full HD
- Own laptop possible (VGA only)
- PPT/X or ODP on USB otherwise
- Acknowledge third-party content
If you have been assigned a full presentation slot by the committee, please prepare a talk no longer than 15 minutes. The session chair then moderates a short 5 minutes discussion with the audience. You should prepare your slides in 16:9 aspect ratio. Having more than 20 slides not advised due to the short time slot.
- DIN A1
- 1 page
- High resolution figures
- Vector format for graphs and illustrations
- Correct English
There is also a talk associated with the poster presentation. It should be no longer than 7 minutes. Having a poster you should also prepare for the Fast-Forward.
- 30 seconds strict
- Compiled to videos, no interaction
- Compulsory PPTX template
- Embeded video possible
- Correct English
- Fast-forwards are all filmed
- Commercial rights to all content required
After the opening session, all students with both full papers and posters present their contributions in a fast preview session. Please submit your fast forwards until 22 April 2025. Prepare them using our PPTX template (linked above). This only works correctly in PowerPoint. If you use LibreOffice or similar at home, please try use a computer at your university to prepare your Fast Forward slides.
The rehearsal for the Fast Forwards on the first day before lunch is mandatory. Without a rehearsal it would not be possible to organize the crowd so that everything runs smooth. Students who arrive late will not be allowed to present their work during the opening session.
You may have a look at the videos from the previous years at our Youtube channel:
More details coming soon.