Interactive Digital Storytelling and VR cinematograph

Bojan Mijatović

University of Sarajevo

SAT 9:00 – 12:20

Cultural heritage presents an important part of our lives and legacy. Safeguarding it throughout history proved to be a hard but extremely important job. Rise of digital technologies gave us new ways to preserve and present cultural heritage to a broad audience. Computer graphics techniques enable visualization and virtual reconstruction of cultural monuments and sites. Virtual Reality provides an opportunity to visit places and see things never imagined possible before. Augmented Reality offers us insights into invisible parts of our reality. Join us in our presentation of digitalized cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Italy, Ukraine, Montenegro, Albania and Serbia and discover ways we did it using digital technologies. We will show our VR applications and if you feel up to it, maybe visit prehistoric sites yourself, join the resistance to participate in one of the most important battles in Bosnia & Herzegovina during World War II or jump from the Mostar bridge. New places and experiences await…

MartinInteractive Digital Storytelling and VR cinematograph