
The CESCG is a student seminar, but it is very similar to a scientific conference. For the participants it means:

  • guidance by international experts
  • up to 24 presentations by students
  • 2 keynote speakers
  • awards

Students may submit a research paper or they can attend as visitors.


One day of the seminar overlaps with the EXPO. Companies and research centers from Central Europe which are active in the field of visual computing share their experience:

  • interactive exhibition
  • up to 20 exhibitors
  • technical insights
  • many job offers

Soft skills

All attendants can actively participate in interactive workshops on skills important for their future careers:

  • presenting
  • storytelling
  • leadership


CESCG takes place in the Smolenice castle in Slovakia. It is located next to a small town at the foot of the Carpathian hills.

  • 50 km away from Bratislava
  • accommodation and board included
  • free wifi
  • social program
  • activities in the nature

Important dates

Papers track


21 February 2025

Full papers

06 March 2025


20 March 2025


07 April 2025

Posters track


21 March 2025

Doctoral Colloquim

Talk proposals

06 March 2025

Media submissions

Slides (for feedback)

Video award submission

Fast-forward submission



08 April 2024

Last chance

22 April 2024

CESCG Event Blocks


28 April 2025 – 30 April 2025


30 April 2025


30 April 2025 – 01 May 2025

IEEE Women in Engineering Best Student Paper Award

At this year’s CESCG, IEEE Women in Engineering will be awarding the best paper submitted by a female student. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge and promote the remarkable achievements of women in technology in science, research and industry. We need at least 3 eligible submissions, otherwise the award will be cancelled.

How to participate

Please select your role to get customized information.

CESCG offers a balanced program for students who present their research work and those who are only about to start. Many interactive program features help the students to improve their soft skills and get an overview of careers in visual computing.

Students can participate at the seminar as visitors or as authors. Authoring own work takes time, but the gain from the whole publishing process has a strong educational effect. We do not require major scientific contributions, but at least a novel perspective should be presented. It is also worth to visit the seminar even without writing an own paper, just to experience the workshops and the exhibition.

Unlimited slots per group

Each of our partner institutions may send an arbitrary number of student submissions which fulfill the guidelines for authors. However, in return we expect the group to deliver three times as many high-quality reviews for students from other groups.

In case your institute did not attended CESCG in past few years, please contact us first.

No competition policy

Our goal is to teach the students, not to let them compete. All submissions that fulfill the guidelines for authors are accepted. We trust the quality control to their supervisors. Rating of the papers only decides about a long/short presentation slot and influences the selection of the best paper award.


The single-blind review process only provides feedback from international experts to the students. The committee does not approve or reject the submissions. Nevertheless, comments provided to the students are usually more detailed than reviews on standard conferences. Students also cross-review their papers to get to know the academic work from the other side.

Open-access management

It is up to the supervisors to decide whether the student paper, possibly work in progress, is made public or stays private to the seminar participants for up to a year.

Participation at the seminar is a great experience for both authors and visitors. Please spread the word about CESCG in your classes all the year long. Do not hesitate to enthuse even freshmen. It is great if they visit the seminar a few times and then write a paper out of their thesis.

Focus on visual computing

All participants should be university students of visual computing or related curricula.

Eligible authors

Submissions can be written by one or several student authors and one supervisor. If the first author is a bachelor’s student, he or she should be at least in the 5th semester. A doctoral student may be a paper author only if it is the first publication during his or her PhD study. we encourage doctoral students to discuss their research and practice talks at the doctoral colloquium.

As a non-peer-reviewed seminar we trust the quality control to the hands of supervisors. Starting a few months before the seminar, you as a supervisor should actively and regularly meet with your students and advice them. It is your responsibility to give the students a first introduction to the principles of scientific work. Please make sure that the basic criteria are met before submitting the manuscript.

Abstract submission

In order to prepare the feedback process and start planing the schedule we need the title, keywords and abstract two weeks before the submission deadline. Do not forget that you as a supervisor also need an account in the submission system.

Complete vs. finished

The submitted work may be a report on research still in progress, but it must be complete from the structural point of view. There must be a problem formulation with motivation, a clear outline of contributions or novelty, a comprehensive presentation of the proposed method and most important of all complete results.

LaTeX template

Please note that using the provided LaTeX template is mandatory. The source files must be included in the submission. Students are not allowed to take any modifications to the predefined formatting.

All groups who send students have to participate in giving feedback to the others. Since each of your students gets 2-3 reviews, you will be asked to write an equal number of reviews.

Friendly feedback

Your feedback should be detailed, positive, helpful and constructive. Remember that students will also rate back your comments. Please do not underestimate the time necessary to write a number of high-quality reviews. You should distribute the work among your colleagues. Remember the triple reviews rule and think twice how many student submissions you send.

Presentations and posters

All accepted papers are included in full length in the proceedings. Presentation of the results can be either in a full 15 minutes slot or during the posters session. The seminar time frame can occupy around 24 full-length student presentations. Submissions to be presented in the full mode are selected based on the ratings . The best student of each group has a full slot guarantee, the remaining students are assigned according to a global ranking. If there are less than 24 submissions no decision is necessary and we request only 2 reviews per paper.

Camera-ready approval

It is your responsibility to check whether the student integrated recommendations from the feedback, so that the hard work invested by the reviewers is not in vain. We require you to confirm this in our submission system as well.

Submission of the camera-ready paper is not the end of the educational process. After the scientific writing they should also practice presenting their work during the seminar.


You should rehearse with your students in private and in front of an audience a few weeks before the seminar. The quality level is high, but hard work can avoid embarrassment. The students are also offered a special feedback round for presentation slides.

Fast forwards

All students give a fast 30 seconds preview of their work at the opening ceremony. The rules are strict and the impact can be high. All our EXPO partners are carefully watching the students. Please help your students to prepare a good elevator pitch as they often tackle with the format which is unknown to them.

Science videos

For most conferences in visual computing a video attached to the submission is already a standard. We try to motivate students to prepare videos illustrating their work. Each year the international program committee awards the best student video.

We would like to invite the supervisors to visit the seminar, not only to send their students. Each year we have interesting improvements in the program. The seminar is no longer just student talks. Your personal experience in Smolenice is essential for motivating students at your local university to join CESCG in the future.


Once you find a good connection to Bratislava or Vienna, you are almost there. Contact the organizers for advice on local transport. We also often organize car sharing.


We try to keep the fees as low as possible. Usually the student tickets are around 100€ all included (board, accommodation, conference fee). We assume that most institution can refund the fees to their students. If not, high costs must never be an obstacle for a student to submit a paper. We offer special scholarships up to the full seminar fee for such cases. Please consult the organizers any time.

Be on time

The program starts in the morning before the official opening ceremony with a workshop on pitching. It includes a mandatory rehearsal of the fast forwards. Please make sure that all your students arrive to the castle on time. It makes no sense if two dozens of others have to wait for a few latecomers.

My best Master’s student can make it to a first tier conference/journal. Why should I consider CESCG?

CESCG is not only about publishing. The educational aspects of the seminar, inspiration and networking factors are much more important. We do our best to give the students something valuable for life, not only a track record for the CV.

We know that in some scholar systems publishing is important even for master’s students. Since CESCG is non-peer-reviewed seminar, the papers count as technical reports. There is no problem submitting a slightly improved version to a peer-reviewed conference or journal. We also let the supervisors decide whether the manuscript is made public.

I think my students are too young for that.

Regardless of their age, all university students can benefit from visiting CESCG. Listening to talks, experiencing the workshops and being inspired by the EXPO is great for every university student. For writing an own paper, the most important factors are an interesting topic, motivation and enough time. We often see excellent work by bachelor’s students. Nevertheless, the quality of the results is not as important as what they learn about science before and during CESCG.

How much scientific novelty is required?

Students should present some original novel work, but we accept minimal scientific contributions. Usage of scientific methodology is important. Presenting an interesting topic from a novel perspective is also fine. It is just a student seminar which provides a first contact with international scientific work for the participants.

Should I travel to CESCG with my student(s)?

We are always pleased to welcome supervisors of the participating students at CESCG, but it is of course not required.

The Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics is the most awesome international scientific event for students of visual computing. With many unique features it provides a valuable combination of knowledge and training and interaction. Whether you decide a career in academia or industry, CESCG helps you to get the best starting position.


A large exhibition on innovations on the first day is a unique showcase of local experts. It is followed by exclusive industrial workshops in the evening. You can try out high-end professional tools or apps which have not been released yet. Developers from our partner companies share insights about their work. You can easily find out whether you would like their job and what is the best procedure to apply for it. If you rather think about starting an own business, people at the EXPO can provide you with a lot of specific insight and advice.


Knowledge of cutting-edge technologies is important for your career at any level. A series of workshops by experienced teachers and pioneers of the latest visual computing science will introduce you to the latest development in research, specialized libraries and tools and latest product updates. Academy is focused on hands-on experience. If you ever wanted to experience a whole university term in just two days, join the academy.

Soft skills

Most of your professional life will depend on communication. A large portion of the seminar is dedicated to intense practice of selected soft skills. All seminar participants are encouraged to actively participate in the workshops. We address various topics like pitching, leadership and similar.

Knowledge & Networking

For all students it is very interesting to see presentation on a wide variety of visual computing topics. There are up to 24 student talks and 2 invited talks by senior researchers. After each block there are coffee breaks where you can clarify details with the speakers and develop ideas further. Social program in the afternoons and evenings offers a great opportunity to meet other students and researchers from all Europe.

If you plan to attend the seminar, please register the latest two weeks in advance. Since the venue booking is done for an exact number of participants it is not possible to register on site. The registration fee includes accommodation and full board.

Eligible participants

We invite all students of visual computing and related curricula and their supervisors to participate at the seminar. There is no geographic restriction, we accept all universities world-wide. It is perfectly fine to attend the seminar without submitting a paper. We encourage all prospective authors to visit the seminar before starting their own research work.

Participants may register accompanying persons who are not visual computing students or teachers, however only if there is enough venue capacity after the early-birds registration deadline.

Seminar fees

The regular seminar fee covers the costs for accommodation, full board and rental of the premises. For students, it is relatively high. Therefore, there are several types of discounts. Make sure to check which ones are applicable for you. Of course early-bird tickets have the best rates.


Once you find a good connection to Bratislava or Vienna, you are almost there. Contact the organizers for advice on local transport. We also often organize car sharing. Private parking is possible on the lower courtyard free of charge.


The Smolenice castle is a beautiful historic place. Serving to the Slovak Academy of Sciences it provides conference rooms, a dining hall and rooms for 100 guests. Participants are provided with everything they need for the three days, so visiting the town is not necessary.

In the first evening we always make a guided castle tour from the lower courtyard up to the top of the tower. On the second day, if the weather allows, we walk through the park outside of the gates to the nearest hill to explore its ancient history.

Dress code

The seminar involves listening to talks, a ceremonial dinner, workshops with outdoor activities, a barbecue, the castle tour and the Molpír hike. A wide range of different activities would make it difficult to dress formally. Therefore, the only rule of the dress code is to feel well.

Can I arrive one day earlier / stay one day longer?

Yes it is possible. Please contact the organizers at least one month in advance.

Can I arrive later / leave earlier?

If you are speaker, you should participate at the very first workshop which is a rehearsal for the opening ceremony. Otherwise, yes it is possible.

Papers track submission

The submission follows in two rounds. You receive feedback from experts and other students after the first round. You should follow their advice closely to improve your paper as much as possible for the final submission round. Each round uses a different submission system, both are described below. Please make sure to fulfill the editorial requirements for both rounds of the submissions. Details are listed in the Guidelines section.

Phase 1


21 February 2025

Full papers

06 March 2025

The first submission is carried out through the EasyChair conference management system. Please do not forget to enter the abstract in advance. The submission can be updated up to the deadline. Note that the submissions in the first round are anonymous. Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting the paper. Also make sure to go through the following checklist:

  • Use the LaTeX Template
  • Anonymous submission - no personal information in the pdf
  • Run a spellchecker

In order to experience the feedback process from inside, you will also have to review one of the submissions. You will receive the instructions by email after the submission deadline.

Phase 2


07 April 2025

To submit the final version of your paper, please click on the key symbol in the top navigation menu and create an account or log in. After registration you will have no rights to create submissions, due to security reasons. Please contact us so that we assign you the necessary role. Then in the dashboard in the menu on the left, you should find Submissions where you can add a new one.

Please remember that the submitted pdf will be checked for compliance with the guidelines. We often have to fix small issues, therefore we also require you to submit the LaTeX source compressed in a zip file. The same interface should be used for the upload of further material (fast-forwards, videos, presentations).

We hope the feedback round helped you to improve your paper. Now we would like to ask you to rate how helpful were the reviews. We will use your data to improve the feedback process for the next year. Your rating will stay anonymous, not linkable to your person or paper.

Posters track submission

21 March 2025

This track is intended to show work in progress, or completed work without writing a full paper publication. An important part of the poster presentation is a talk. We require to submit an extended abstract which is basically a talk proposal. Please use the same template as for full papers. It should cover at least:

  • Problem definition
  • Motivation to solve it
  • Related work
  • Your approach

To submit an extended abstract, please click on the key symbol in the top navigation menu and create an account. After registration you will have no rights to create a poster, due to security reasons. Please contact us so that we can assign you the necessary role. Then on the dashboard in the menu on the left, you will find Posters. Please create a new one, fill out the form and upload your PDF file. Please submit only the extended abstract, there is no need to submit the poster beforehand.

Notification on the acceptance of the extended abstracts for the posters is two days after the submission deadline.

Doctoral colloquium submission

06 March 2025

This track is dedicated to PhD students who want to discuss work in progress, or practice a talk for a top-tier conference. There are no written materials at the colloquium, just the talk and a discussion with international peers. We require to submit a short talk proposal in plain-text. It should cover at least:

  • Area of research
  • Problem definition
  • Brief note on its importance
  • Your approach or ideas
  • Very short bio

To submit a talk proposal, please click on the key symbol in the top navigation menu and create an account. After registration you will have no rights to create a colloquium talk, due to security reasons. Please contact us so that we can assign you the necessary role. Then on the dashboard in the menu on the left, you will find Colloquium Talks. Please create a new one and fill out the form.

Notification on the acceptance of the doctoral colloquium talks is two days after the submission deadline.
