Presentation and Quiz Visualization of Virtual Procedure Manuals

Amna Jusić, Emir Cogo, Ehlimana Cogo, Aya Ali Al Zayat

Supervisor(s): Selma Rizvić

University of Sarajevo

Abstract: Virtual manuals for the usage of different procedures re quire a certain set of steps, for the users to familiarize themselves with the procedures required to use a set of de sired objects. Apart from the textual information, it is also important to present different types of spatial information at the same time, while also including the direction of this type of information. Usually, a set of operations needs to be visualized by presenting the key locations of the oper ations, the order of operations, and their motion. Some operations require pulling, twisting, pushing, pressing, or some combination of these motions in different places at the same time. It is often important to test how much the user learned about all of the presented operations, to verify that the user can operate the procedure safely and successfully without supervision. In this paper, we ana lyze different visualization methods for multiple types of information by using animated 3D arrows. These arrows can present information by using gradient colors, shapes, sizes, and rotations of shapes, as well as shape animations in the desired direction. The proposed approach was suc cessfully applied to create a virtual usage manual for a set of operations of a procedure. A virtual quiz that veri f ies whether the user learned all of the required steps was created. The quiz also requires the user to visually show the required operation motion. A small user survey was conducted, indicating that younger, highly educated age groups are more open to the usage of virtual manuals and that users find virtual quizzes helpful but are not confident that they possess the digital skills necessary for undertak ing them.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, VR
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Year: 2024