3D Terrain Maps: Rendering and Visualisation Techniques

Adam Celarek, Johannes Eschner

TU Wien

SUN 8:30 – 10:00

In this workshop you will learn about real-time terrain rendering technology and visualisation challenges in the context of maps for alpine regions. The goal of this workshop is to provide an overview of current and future methods for high resolution mapping. Our data has a geometric resolution of about 1 meter, and we hope to improve even further on that.

The workshop will be structured in the following way: We will start with demoing our prototypes, one being an avalanche risk visualisation, the other a 2.5D terrain renderer. Then we will explain basic concepts of map rendering technology (tiling schemes, caching, data processing and visualisation). After that, we will have 2 blocks: The first being about the visualization challenge of combining intricate terrain features with complex data layers. The second block is more in depth about rendering technology, e.g. LOD for massive 3d meshes, vector rendering, and photo registration.

The workshop will be held by Johannes Eschner and Adam Celarek.

Martin3D Terrain Maps: Rendering and Visualisation Techniques